Publications and Talks

Select Publications

Angod, L. (2022). Learning to enact Canadian exceptionalism: The failure of voluntourism as social justice education. Equity & Excellence in Education. ***50 free digital copies available here:

Angod, L. (2022). Accountability in ethnographic research: Researching the making of white/northern subjects through anti-black racism while brown. In Macías, T. (Ed.), The ethics and politics of knowledge production. Fernwood.

Angod, L. (forthcoming). “Especially if you’re a girl, especially if it has to do with social justice”: When youth participatory action research amplifies the racism and gender-based discrimination under study. Children & Society. [Special issue: Conceptualising and researching child and youth activism.]

Desai, K., and Angod, L. (forthcoming). Unsettling the global, moving beyond liberalism: Intimacies as a reading practice in childhood studies. Childhood, Southern Theories and “Global” Childhood Studies special issue.

Angod, L. & Mahrouse, G. (2020, June 27). Is now the time to celebrate unity in Québec? Canadian Dimension.  

Angod, L., and Gaztambide-Fernández, R. (2019). Endless land, endless opportunity: The coloniality of elite boarding school landscapes in Germany, the United States, and Canada. Eds. A. Gibson & W. Helsper [Special issue: Internatsschulen in empirischer und historischer Perspektive (Boarding schools from an empirical and historical perspective)]. Zeitschrift für Pädagogik (Journal for Pedagogy), 65(2), 227–241.

Gaztambide-Fernández, R., and Angod, L. (2019). Approximating whiteness: Race, class, and empire in the making of modern elite/white subjects. Educational Theory, 69(6), 719–743.

Angod, L. (2016). Youth participatory action research at University of Toronto Schools: Co-constructing knowledge and communities for social justice. Research Brief, 7(Summer) (pp. 4–9). Centre for Urban Schooling, Ontario Institute for Studies in Education, University of Toronto.

Angod, L. (2015). The unruly curricula of the ruling classes [Editorial]. Curriculum Inquiry, 45(5), 427–436.

Select Podcast

WhyPAR podcast. March 1, 2022. Episode 11. “What happens when you run onto the edges of progressivism?”: On conducting yPAR in elite schools.   Select Podcast Episodes

Select Workshops

2018 Researching with young people: Critical youth studies, race, and a decolonial politics of knowledge. Methodology Masterclass. Faculty of Education. Cambridge University (January 19). Cambridge, England.

2016 “I feel this swell of love toward all of them”: The contradictions of love in the volunteer abroad encounter. Grace Lee Boggs Reimagine Everything Workshop Series, Multi-Faith Centre, University of Toronto (February 4). Toronto, Canada.

Select Keynotes and Presentations

2022. Mobilizing an analysis of power to engage students’ voices: A youth participatory action research approach. Invited keynote for the Association of Educational Researchers of Ontario’s annual conference (April 29).

2021 Race, haunting, and magic: Transposing empirical data as young adult fiction. Lillian Robinson Scholar Lecture. Concordia University (March 15). Montreal, Canada. 

2019 The racial enchantment of volunteer abroad: Making citizens through anti-black discourses of inspiration. American Educational Research Association Annual Conference (April 9). Toronto, Canada.

2019 Knowledge production with students in the academy: The ethics and politics of being in relationship through research and teaching [invited keynote]. Student research / Studierend machen wissenschaft. Bielefeld University’s 50th Anniversary Conference. Bielefeld University (Nov 14). Bielefeld, Germany.

2017 Elite school enchantment: Towards an intersectional analysis of power. Studies of Elites and Education Conference. Institute of Education, University College London (Nov 9). London, England.

2016 Volunteer abroad at elite Canadian private schools: Producing young elites through regulated racial encounters. Center for Global Studies, University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign (April 1). Urbana-Champaign, USA.
2014 Making "behind the ivy and beyond the ivy" through the stranger: Others, other others, and the humanitarian relation of care. Knowledge, Status and Power Conference (October 24). Paris, France.